
Thursday, May 30, 2013

One on One with Esther Mhembelo a Promising Gospel Artist in Tanzania

Esther Mhembelo,Promising Gospel Artist in Tanzania
Blogger: Praise the Lord may I know who are you? Your names and Nick Names if any
My names is Esther Hedva Mhembelo my nickname is Esti
Blogger: Wow Thanks, When did you receive Christ
I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior in March 2005. The day I made Jesus my Lord my life changed completely. My life story has been from glory to glory nothing less. He has made my life so beautiful. I love my Lord so much he is a wonder

Blogger: Amen, What motivate you to be involved in Gospel Music
God has blessed me with a unique voice and he has given me this gift for free. I use my voice to bring glory to his name. The everlasting love that he has for me compels me to sing for him.
You know the gospel must be preached and through singing the gospel is preached in the lyrics that we write. Jesus is made famous or known through our singing
I love to sing so much and through singing its how I express my love for Him. I was born to worship him and Him alone.
Blogger: Amen Esther, When did you started and How
I started singing gospel music in 2006. I started singing in church before I even thought of recording my album.

Blogger: How Many Albums do you have? Which are they?
I have one album with the name Nafsi Yangu (My Soul) that is already recoded which has 10 songs and right now I have already started working on my second album by God’s grace before July the album will be ready
All Nafsi Yangu Songs can be listened from here

Blogger: Congratulations, How do you see Gospel Music Industry in Tanzania?
Wow Gospel music is Tanzania is growing at a high speed and I see a lot of talented gospel artists out there doing a great work. I see there is still more room to do better as in the music production/the quality of our music. We can still do better for Jesus because he deserves our best. It is high time for gospel music to take over because we are anointed and the greater one lives in us so nothing is impossible unto us

Blogger: Ooh Amen, What can you say to Gospel singers who are incorporating secular themes/styles in Gospel Music and those who have turned backed to sing secular music?
What I can say to those who have turned back to sing secular music is please come back because there is so much in Jesus and Jesus is all that we need in this life nothing else. All that we want is found is Jesus. We are to be an example to the world and the world should follow and copy what we do and not us being pulled by them. The bible says in the book of Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world

Blogger: Hallelujah Esther That is powerful,It has been said that some Gospel Musicians are not serious with God they are just there for their own interest? Is it True and what is your view?
Well I cannot say much on this area because it is only God who is allowed to judge. In everything we do it is all about Jesus. The gift we have is for the purpose of blessing other people. As singers our main focus should be Jesus and bringing glory to his name. We should forget about ourselves and our personal interest should be left aside. It is about service and not us. Anything that is out of Jesus will not have long lasting results. It high time we change our focus because he is all that matters and his name is Jesus.

Esther Mhembelo
Blogger: Hallelujah,What is your message to Gospel Musicians in Tanzania?
My massage to the gospel musicians in Tanzania Let’s get more committed in doing his work faithfully. Gospel singers are preachers through singing and we can do much with the gift God has given us. Lastly lets all have more fellowship with the Holy Spirit as singers we cannot do much without him.
Blogger: And what can you say to Tanzania Church and Society?
My message to the church of Tanzania is keep doing the word of God and loving one another no matter what happening between us. We are the light of the world lets keep our lights so shining that the world will want to follow us. Lastly Jesus is coming back very soon and the time is short so lets keeping winning souls for Jesus the world needs know Jesus because he is the answer.

Blogger: What is your favourite Gospel Musicians
Yolanda Adams,

Blogger: Describe your personal life briefly, Kids? Married? Engaged?
I will be getting married very soon

Blogger: Wow Hallelujah we are very much honored to have you at Rejoice and Rejoice, Thank you Very Much, May God Bless you for your good work that you are doing. Keep Shining Might Woman of God!

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  1. God bless u madam...true talk,. May thy Lord continue to bless forever in Jesus Name..

  2. yesmy dear sister your blessed among the blessed...keep shinning by the power of the Holy Ghost...much love!!! i am waiting for the wedding bells now and the 2nd album...your truely blessed!!!

  3. Be Blessed my Dear Esther and Keep Shining for the Glory of our Lord Jesus
